Some upcoming and regular events. If you wish to have your event added please email us.
Thursday, 5 February, 2009 - 9.45 am to 4.30 pm Convenor: Val Huet, Chief Executive Officer, The British Association of Art Therapists Venue: Dragon Hall, 17 Stukeley Street, London, WC2B 5LT |
PROGRAMME 09.45 am WELCOME – Sir Michael Burton 09.50 am Art Therapy with Cancer Patients at Barts and the London NHS Trust. Dr Chris Gallagher, Lead Consultant in Medical Oncology and Megan Tjasink, Art Psychotherapist 10.35 am Inclusion-Exclusion: Art Therapy, Dementia and the Culture of Exclusion. Professor Diane Waller, Professor of Art Psychotherapy Goldsmiths, University of London 11.10 am COFFEE BREAK 11.35 am Adjustment after Serious Acquired Brain Injury – How can Art Therapy Help?. Dr John Winfield, Consultant Rheumatologist, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, Hallamshire Hospital Sheffield. Sally Weston, Art Therapist, Sheffield Health and Social Care Foundation Trust and Iris Von Sass Hyde, Art Therapist, Neuro-rehabilitation Service, County Hospital, Lincoln 12.30 pm Psyche and Soma – Integrating Art Psychotherapy into Primary Care Malcolm Learmonth, Lead Art Psychotherapist and Arts and Environments Development Lead, Devon Partnership NHS Trust and Dr Simon Opher, General Practitioner, Bristol 13.15 pm LUNCH There will be 2 parallel presentations in the afternoon. 14.15 pm The Role of the Art Therapist in the psycho-social support of the child and the family in a Paediatric Oncology Department. Joanne Bissonet, Art Psychotherapist, Service for Children with Chronic Illness, Community Psychology Team, Norfolk Primary Care Trust 14.15 pm Art Therapy and Stroke – Art-Based Presentation of a Client’s Experience. Debbie Michaels, Art Therapist 15.00 pm Valuing Creative Thinking on Service Development and Delivery. Gill Thomas, Art Therapist and Hypnotherapist, Sarah Smith, Social Work and Bereavement Service Team Leader, Cathy Maylin, Community Service Manager, Trinity Hospice 15.00 pm 'How effective is art therapy in the management of symptoms in adults with cancer? A systematic review'. Michele Wood, Art Therapist (Marie Curie Hospice Hampstead), Senior Lecturer, Roehampton University, CECo Scholar 2008 15.45 pm COFFEE BREAK 16.10 pm PLENARY 16.30 pm END |
New York Neuropsychoanalysis Lecture Series December 6, 2008. 10:00 am The Arnold Pfeffer Center for Neuropsychoanalysis at the New York Psychoanalytic Institute Auditorium, New York Psychoanalytic Institute,
Bruce Luber, PhD "What Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Can Say About Self and Self Awareness" The self is a rather elusive concept and the psychobiology of self is even more so. A large number of neuroimaging studies have attempted to find regions in the brain specific to processing the self, primarily by contrasting self-related stimuli with non-self-related stimuli (i.e., self vs. other). Across a wide variety of self-related tasks, a consistent cortical network has been activated. Criticism has arisen that this network can not be related to self-specific processing. For example, it is almost identical to the active network of the resting state, the "default" mode, when the subject is free to think about anything at all. However, while neuroimaging techniques can only reveal correlations between brain states and behaviors, the new technique of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), a harmless means of temporarily changing the function of precise regions of the brain, can demonstrate causal links between brain and behavior. We have tested the proposed self-specific network by using TMS to briefly disrupt local cortical processing while subjects rated adjectives as like or unlike themselves or their best friend. We found that while judgments about the best friend were never affected by TMS, it did dynamically influence self judgments. Our TMS program of experiments may reveal the neural basis of self-specific processing, leads to speculation as to what the "default" brain network does, and ultimately may provide a key technology to understanding the biology of the self.
26-29 June 2009. Paris, France |
International Neuropsychoanalysis Congress 2009 26-29 June 2009 "Neuropsychoanalysis: Who Needs It?" See also |
Regular monthly events |
Philoctetes Center for the Multidisciplinary Study of the Imagination at the New York Psychoanalytic Institute Regular monthly events. See videos of past events related to neuro-psychoanalysis. For future events see the Philoctetes website. The Center creates and supports projects, public forums, research and information gathering which foster cooperation and dialogue among diverse disciplines, while seeking to create public awareness of these efforts. To achieve its mission the Center holds roundtable discussions with participants from various fields (neuroscience, psychology, mathematics, psychoanalysis, humanities and art, philosophy and theology), offers a forum for presentation of works in progress, and is developing a data base on imagination with the aim of becoming a clearing house for all available literature on the subject. All events are free and open to the public. |
Monthly meetings, 4th tuesday of every month. Boston, USA |
Boston NeuroPsychoanalysis Workshop A study group of clinicians grounded in psychoanalytic theory and practice who welcome practitioners and researchers from adjacent disciplines, such as neurology, linguistics, and philosophy. In our monthly meetings over the past decade, we have explored many topics, including affective neuroscience, complexity theory, connectionist theories, consciousness studies, linguistics, cultural evolution, schematic and symbolic thought, category formation, memory, infant research, sleep and dream research, yoga, and meditation. The founding members of our group are practicing psychoanalysts with decades of combined clinical experience. We believe that psychoanalysis involves the sharing between analyst and analysand of lived, embedded emotional, somatic, and cognitive experience. The psychoanalytic process has the capacity to recontextualize brain, body, and mind at the implicit level of embodied, procedural memory as well as at the explicit level of narrative experience and autobiographical memory. Our goal as an ongoing working group is to look at how neuroscientific information correlates with psychoanalytic knowledge at both theoretical and clinical levels. We believe that current neuroscientific knowledge has created powerful new paradigms through which traditional psychoanalytic concepts and techniques may be reviewed and renewed. We hope to continue to support dialogue among a variety of disciplines, enabling the advancement of knowledge that such collaboration may produce. |
6th November 2008, London, UK |
London Neuropsychoanalysis Seminar: "From Cognitive Psychology and Neuroscience to the Couch - Is There a Common Language? Fourth Meeting: "Cognitive Control and Regulating Perspectives: From a Body to the Self. Perspectives from Neuroscience, Psychology and Psychoanalysis" Thursday, 6th November 2008.
9:00am to 5:30pm The Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Institute of Psychiatry, 16 De Crespigny Park, London Tickets: L10. Students: Free if pre-registered, L5 at the door. Visit the International Neuropsychoanalysis Society Website to register or for more details. |