The Development of Temperament. Nadia Bruschweiler-Stern, Sue Carter, Frances Champagne, Susan Coates, Donald Pfaff, and Daniel Schechter (Jan 23, 2008) |
Left and Right: What Neuroscience Reveals about Politics. Amodio, Joy Hirsch, John Neffinger, and Alexander Todorov (Sept 22 2008) |
Acting and Mirror Neurons. Blair Brown, Vittorio Gallese, Joe Grifasi, Robert Landy, Adam Ludwig, and Tom Vasiliades (Nov 29 2007) |
The Role of Psychotherapy in the Age of Neuroreceptors and Genes. Brian Koehler, Ze'ev Levin, Charles Marmar, and Ira Steinman (Feb 20 2010) |
Addiction. Cristina Alberini, Stephen Delafield, William Gottdiener, Scott Russo (May 2 2009) |
On Aggression The Politics and Psychobiology of Evil. Richard Bernstein, Jacques Lezra, Edward Nersessian, Kent Reynolds, Joel Whitebook (April 25 2009) |
On Aggression The Politics and Psychobiology of Violence and the City. David Brotherton, Brandon del Pozo, Steven Marans (April 18 2009) |
On Aggression The Politics and Psychobiology of Sex and Violence. Jessica Benjamin, Anthony Di Fiore, James Gilligan (moderator), Allan Siegel, Larry Siever, Neal Simon (April 5 2009) |
The Comic Imagination. Lewis Black, Jim Holt, Bruce McCall, Tami Sagher, Cody Walker (moderator) (March 21 2009 |
Dancing on the Ceiling: Music and the Brain. Jennifer Hecht, Elaine Pagels, Beate Pongratz-Leisten, Tyler Volk (moderator), Robert Wright (March. 14 2009) |
Evolution of God(s). Jennifer Hecht, Elaine Pagels, Beate Pongratz-Leisten, Tyler Volk (moderator), Robert Wright (March. 07 2009) |
On Aggression: The Politics and Psychobiology of Genocide. Joyce Apsel, Benedict Kiernan (moderator), Taylor Krauss, Patricia McCormick, Henri Parens. (Feb. 28, 2009) |
Literacy and Imagination. Robert Logan (moderator), Jonathan Rosen, Bambi Schieffelin, Lance Strate |
On Aggression: The Politics and Psychobiology of War. David Blight, R. Brian Ferguson, John Horgan (moderator), Dori Laub. (Feb. 21, 2009) |
Creative Ambiguity in Scientific and Humanistic Thought. Eva Brann, Heather Dubrow, Donald Pfaff (moderator), Robert Shapley, Michael Shelley, Sandra Sherman (Feb. 2009)
On Aggression: Edward Donnerstein, Peter Moskos, Debra Niehoff, Theodore Shapiro . (Feb. 07, 2009) |
Sex and Love: The Biology of Romance. Michael Baum, Helen Fisher, Siri Gullestad, Hiroaki Matsunami, Michael Numan, and Donald Pfaff (Feb. 14 2009)
The Origins of Norms. Roundtable: Akeel Bilgrami, Lorraine Daston, Gerald Edelman, John Forrester, Lawrence Friedman, Anne Harrington, and Joel Snyder. (April 28 2007) |
Love Code: The Chemestry of Intimacy. Roundtable: Stephanie Brown, Sue Carter (moderator), Elaine Hatfield, Dolores Malaspina, Stephen Porges (September 27 2008)
The Body and its Image: Marina Abramovic, Paul Campos, Sander Gilman (moderator), Marcel Kinsbourne, Sabine Wilhelm (October 04, 2008) |
The Psycho-Neurology of the Photographic Arts: Cristina Alberini, Bevil Conway, David Freedberg, Jeffrey Levy-Hinte, Douglas Nickel, Robert Polidori (April 24, 2008) |
Psychogeography: The Landscapes of Memory: André Aciman, Vito Acconci, Russell Epstein, Matthew von Unwerth (May 31, 2008) |
The Mirror and the Lamp:Paul Bloom, Margaret Browning, Bhismadev Chakrabarti, Paul Harris, Alan Leslie (March 15, 2008) |
Development of Temperament in the First 3 Years of Human Life: Nadia Bruschweiler-Stern, Sue Carter, Donald Pfaff, Daniel Schechter, Frances Champagne, Susan Coates, (Jan 19 2008) |
Music and Imagination: The Rhythmic Brain: Stephanie Chase & Eric Barnhill (Jan 14, 2008) |
Biology of Freedom: Christina Alberini, Francois Ansermet, Pierre Magistretti, Edward Nersessian, Donald Pfaff, Daniel Schechter (Nov. 12, 2007) |
Distortions of Memory: Deirdre Bair, Bruno Clément, Maryse Condé, William Hirst, Edward Nersessian, Lois Oppenheim (Nov. 10, 2007) |
The Role of the Subject in Science: Sukanya Chakrabarti, Piet Hut, Jan-Markus Schwindt, Margaret Turnbull, Edwin L. Turner (Nov. 3, 2007) |
Daydreaming, Night-Dreaming, and Stimulus-Independent Thought: John Antrobus, Eric Klinger, Malia Mason, Ethel Person, Jerome Singere (Oct. 6, 2007) |
Perspectives on Transference:Charles Brenner, Norman Doidge, Walter Freeman, Arnold Modell, Bradley Peterson, David Pincus (June 2, 2007) |
Psychic Trauma: Brain, Mind, Community: Claude Chemtob, Marylene Cloitre, Spencer Eth (moderator), Leonard Shengold, Rachel Yehuda (March 10. 2007) |
Mind, Brain & Spirituality: Toward a Biology of the Soul:Martin Bergmann, Siri Hustvedt, Jaak Panksepp, David Pincus, Reverend Thandeka (March 3. 2007) |
Mystery of the Mind: Gianfranco Basti, Ned Block, Richard Haier, Joseph LeDoux, Patrick McGrath, Craig Piers (Jan. 27, 2007) |
Free Will: Akeel Bilgrami, Annaik Feve, Rebecca Goldstein, Siri Hustvedt, Jaak Panksepp, Joel Whitebook (October 7, 2006) |
Imaginative Problem Solving, Intuition and Emotion-Based Learning: Oliver Turnbull (Jan. 14, 2006) |
Artificial Intelligence: Neural Networks and Imagination I: Participants: Edith Ackermann, Elie Bienenstock, Hallie Cohen, Daniel Gardener, William Grossman, Francis Levy, Mary Luallen, Edward Nersessian, Roger Schank (Nov. 17, 2004) |
Artificial Intelligence: Neural Networks and Imagination I: Participants: Paul Harris, David Kirkpatrick, Daniel Salzman, Jeffrey Satinover, William Grossman, Francis Levy, Mary Luallen, Edward Nersessian, Theodore Shapiro (Feb. 16, 2005) |