Neuropsychoanalysis Congress Vienna 2007


These are mostly short clips and not full lectures.

Dvd's of the full lectures are available at

There is a full lecture of George Northoff's presentation and short clips of Mark Solms, Jaak Panksepp,

Andrew Solomon, Yoram Yovell, Maggie Zellner, Hugh Bleichmar, Peter Freed, Helen Mayberg,

David Taylor, Alexander Friedman, Gerald Wiest, Oliver Turnbull, Kobi Tiberg,

Lisa Ouss-Ryngaert, Ariane Bazan, Iftah Biran. DVD's and books of the past International

Neuropsychoanalysis Congresses, including the Vienna Congress, are available here.

George Northoff: Depression and the Pathology of Self

Mark Solms, Welcome Andrew Solomon, Depression, too, is a thing with feathers
Mark Solms: Psychoanalytical approaches to depression
Yoram Yovell: The nosology of mood disorders
Maggie Zellner: Neuroanatomy and pharmacology of depression, part 1

Peter Freed: Neuroanatomy and pharmacology of depression, part 2
Hugo Bleichmar, A modular-transformational approach to the mind:application to the understanding and treatment of depressive disorders
Hugo Bleichmar: Modularity of Motivational Systems
Helen Mayberg, Mind meets brain: a neuroimaging perspective on depression and its treatment
Jaak Panksepp: Depression and the pleasure principle: anhedonia of the social brain? (Co-author: Douglas Watt, Boston)
Georg Northoff: Introjection and cortical midline structures in depression
David Taylor, Understanding the nature of chronic & treatment resistant depression: ideas for a programme of research
Alexander Friedman, Response to the Congress and
Mark Solms, Concluding remarks and discussion from the floor
Research Day: Gerald Wiest, Bouts of laughter…
Oliver Turnbull, Preserved complex emotion-based learning in amnesia…
Kobi Tiberg, Disinhibition and projection...
Research Day: Lisa Ouss-Ryngaert, Development of infants with early neurological…
Ariane Bazan, Empirical evidence for primary process mentation…
Iftah Biran, Denial mediated by spatial impairment...
